The Basics


 Hiking in Colorado several years back, an older trailmate shared some chocolate covered coffee beans with me to celebrate having summited a large rock at the end of a tough hike. He said that he always packed them as they were easy to pack and it was good to celebrate little accomplishments. I haven't forgotten. Since then I have tried to do the same. A celebratory Coca Cola comes out of the pack to share and celebrate with the kids on a successful hunt. Half melted Snickers candy bars when reaching a camping destination. Jenelle is especially good at this, even on short day hikes. We look forward to some special treat that she often has stowed away.

And those things are important. But what about the basics?

Any trip into the wilderness requires considering our basic needs. Often we put more effort into our comforts than the actual basics.

When packing, my thoughts often go like this.

"Man, I need to pack some chocolate covered coffee beans, figure out several really good meals each day, grab my sleeping bag and tent, sleeping pad, and I better pack some light weight fishing gear in case I run out of food. Rope, extra socks, warm jacket and hat, rain gear, maybe some cards in case we get stuck in our tent in the rain. Once it's all packed in, l remember, "oh yeah, I probably should grab my water filter".

I remember my first canoe trip to the Boundary Waters Wilderness Area. We took chlorine tablets to purify our water. You would think that the water out there would be clear and pure, and for the most part it is, but not worth the risk of acquiring giardia or some other stomach bug that can ruin a trip. To top it off,  it all looks like tea from all of the pine and spruce trees that line the banks everywhere.

The chlorine tablets worked, and mixing in some Gatorade mix helped with the flavor, but man did I crave some pure water. In fact, there were some days that I probably didn't get enough hydration because I was just sick of the taste.

Since then I have become dependent on water filters. Filtering may take longer than adding tablets but it's definitely worth it! Filters give you an unlimited supply of pure water and as long as you have a decent water source you are good to go. Even a small seepage can provide you with pure water.

Water is often referred to as life.

Sometimes we just add chlorine, work harder, do more good things, get our kids involved in more things and hope to arrive at the top so we can say we did it, and then retire. We get by, but could it be better? Could each sip be refreshing, maybe not always cold, but at least refreshing without that bad taste?

I've been learning the importance of filtering for a better life. For me, having enough pure water every day, starts early. Sometimes I short-change my sleeping time but it's worth it. A cup of coffee, some time to sit, read a little, time to separate the bad from the good, time to figure out what’s really important and what isn't, and keeping my filter in a good source makes for a good day.

My hat is off to those of you who get rid of those chlorine tablet's! I'll share a bean with you at the top!




“… and learn to paddle your own canoe”